Connecticut Chapters

Power of Together Southeastern Connecticut, original Niantic chapter

Deb Fountain, a realtor and active community member from Niantic, was inspired to start the original Power of Together in Niantic in 2013 after reading "Be the Miracle" by Regina Brett, a book of essays on how to make a difference in the world around us.  With Deb's leadership, the chapter was born and has, as of summer 2018, donated over $172,000.  Read Deb's story about starting PoT here.  Here are some thoughts from Deb:  "The world we live in gives us countless opportunities each day to feel like we'd like to be doing more to help others. News of injustice, disaster, homelessness, disease and potential cures, clutter our mailboxes, inboxes, and our minds.  If you are like me, you feel overwhelmed by the vastness of the needs and the limited amount of time and money you can devote to help. That's where The Power of Together comes in. Even with limited time and funds we can still make a difference in our community and beyond."  Visit their website:

THANK YOU, DEB, and the rest of the Niantic chapter for your leadership and inspiration - look what you've started!

Power of Together 2, Southeastern Connecticut, Mystic chapter

Dave Schulz, one of our organizers, joined the Niantic chapter of Power of Together in 2014 and brought news of this fantastic concept back to the rest of us.  We thought the idea was genius!  With guidance from Deb Fountain, Dave, his wife, Karen Stone, and friends Gae Melford, Harry Holt and Barb Silver agreed to work together to start a second chapter also serving southeastern Connecticut.  We worked for a few months getting organized and soliciting membership, and had our first meeting in April 2016 at the Mystic VFW with 42 members.   As of fall 2018, we are hovering around 100 members and hope to keep growing!

Power of Together 3, Northeastern Connecticut, Griswold chapter

Sheila Dupont, a student supervisor at Griswold High School, spearheaded the creation of a third PoT chapter, which held it's first meeting in April 2017 with 28 members.  Read more here.  If you are interested in learning more about the Griswold chapter, you may contact Sheila at  Their Facebook page is  So exciting!  Go PoT3!


Power of Together 4, Shoreline Power of Together, Waterford chapter

The most recent chapter formed in early 2019, was started by the SAVA Insurance Group in Waterford, and has over 51 members.  They meet quarterly at Filomena's Restaurant. visit their website, or contact them through email ( or through their Facebook group.